Luigi Cardarelli Приложения

Cycling Agenda 1.1
Luigi Cardarelli
As the name suggests, this app is an agendawhere you can store your cycling rides as distances and climbs.Then you can see your rides both in view of the month and in thespecial Visualization section as colored bar graphs representingdistances and climbs relative to the selected period such as week,month, year.When you store a ride, it will be stored in the database of yourmobile phone, which meansthat until you have your app in your phone your rides will alwaysbe there, unless you decideto delete them or update themThe functioning of the app is very intuitive, anyway here belowthere is a synthetic explanation of the app usage:From the main activity you can change the month using the buttons> and <; select a day by touching the box of the day.When a day is selected appears its date on the light blue strip"Select a day", and if a ride has already been stored, the distanceand the climb too.Through menu button ≡ you can choose one of three options: 1)Visualization. 2) Setting, to change the units from km /m to miles/ feet (Anglo-Saxon countries). 3) About, to get explanations ofthe appIn the section Visualization you can see the bar graph of monthly,weekly and yearly distances or climbs. Through the buttons you canchange views: distance, climb, month, year, while to see the weeklyview of the month is sufficient touching the first upper half ofthe screen and again to go back. Enjoy your training.
CyclingComputation 1.2
Luigi Cardarelli
CyclingComputation is a very useful app forallcyclists. It includes three different sections ofcalculation:1 Gears: It allows you to know the developments of twodifferentpackages of gear ratios, for instance 53-39 12-25 e 50-3411-27. Inaddition to the numerical data is displayed a view, sortedorsimple, giving an immediate visual understanding of thedifferencesbetween the gear ratios. It is possible to set any gearratios andit is always in memory even when you close theapplication.2 Power and Speed: It takes as input the weight (bike + rider),thegear ratio, the pedaling frequency and the slope. Thencalculatesthe speed and power developed.3 Vam and Power: The calculation of the VAM (average speed ofclimb)is carried out ​​ in regard to the epic climb of Alped'Huez. On thealtitude profile you can find the famous cyclistMarco Pantani onarrival with the incredible time of 37 '35 " andalso Fausto Coppiin an utopian duel. By a stylized cyclist movingalong the altitudeprofile you can measure your VAM and therelative power in referenceto the time of the cyclist MarcoPantani. For example, if you spendan hour to climb the Alpe d'Huez your VAM is 1140 meters / hour andyou have a relative powerof 4.1 W / kg. You'll see your position onthe altitude profilethat you would have when Marco Pantani hasarrived on the top ofthe climb after just 37 '35 " !By menu you can set:The language (Italian or English)• The units of measure (km-kg or miles-libre)• Each gear, front and rearAll changes you set by menu are saved and will be the defaultthenext time you reopen the application, thus avoiding any time tosetagain the values ​​chosen.
DijkstraGame 1.1
Luigi Cardarelli
This game is based on the ability to findaminimum path to connect two nodes in a Graph. The player canchoosefour levels: Easy, Moderate, Hard and Customizedrepresentinggraphs from the simplest to the most complex.By choosing the customized level the player builds a customGraphchoosing the number of nodes and a connection factor.The game starts, in all three levels, building itsGraphautomatically, instead for the customized level the player hastoplace the nodes in a proper position in order to see allpathswell.Then the player has to push the button Start Game and thetimestarts, the goal of the game is to find the minimum pathconnectingthe start node to the end node, in a time as short aspossible. Ifthe player fails to find out the right path, he/she cansee theright answer by pressing the button "See solution".The right solution is calculated by the Dijkstra algorithm, toknowmore about this important algorithm see:\'s_algorithmThe player has to complete five trials, the final score, inseconds,is the result of his/her intellectual performance.Each time the player furnishes a wrong answer his/her time willbepenalized of a factor of 200% multiplied by thefactorWrongCost/CorrectCost.However the penalized time will be never under 20 sec. so astodiscourage conduct of play at random withoutintellectualeffort.For each level there is a top five list, the player canincludehis/her record in that list only if his/her performance isunderthe fifth result of the list.However it is possible reset all list to start again withnewrecords.
King_of_Climbs 1.0
King of Climbs is an application tonicelyvisualize Strava's data. There are four maininteractivescreens:1) The list of segments that are customizable.2) The Segments's altimetry selected in the previous screen.3) The Leader Board on the selected segment.4) All KOMS relative to athlete selected in thepreviousscreen.- Screen 1: List of Segments. This screen shows the segments intheform of colored bars.If there are more than twenty of these segments they aredistributedin several pages accessible by the buttons at thebottom of thescreen. You can choose a segment not included in thelist and chooseor change the comparison athlete. By thesmartphone's menu buttonyou can get the instructions in English orItalian, delete allsegments or delete one. Selecting a segment bythe finger tap on thescreen opens the second screen showing thealtimetry of the segment.- Screen 2: Segments's altimetry. The altimetry of the segmentisshown with average gradientof traits whose length is chosen optimally (1000-500-250-100mt),but you can change it, for more detail, through theappropriatebuttons at the bottom of the screen. Moreover swipingyour fingeron the profile you can have punctual slope.Other available buttons: "See Segment Data" to visualizethetechnical card of the segment. "Back " to return to thepreviousscreen. "Precise or inaccurate " to have the distance ofroundedtract or precise.In the top center of the screen there are two buttons thatlinkdirectly with Strava or Veloviewer.Finally, the "See Leaderboard" button opens the third screen:TheLeader Boards on the segment.- Screen 3: Leader Board. In this screen there is a listofathletes in increasing chronological order.The graph is in the form of histogram with the length of eachbarproportional to the time spent.There can be classified up to 200 athletes that can be viewedbyscrolling through the different pages.On the bar relative to the athlete are reported, if available,thefollowing data: Date of performance;time in hours, minutes and seconds; average speed; VAM;averagepower and average heart rate.In the bottom of the screen in addition to the buttons to movebackand forth between the pagesand the button to return to the previous screen, there isthe"Comparison" button to display the bar with the data fortheathlete chosen for comparison.Touching by finger a particular bar in the histogram you go tothefourth screen that shows all performed KOMS concerning theselectedathlete.- Screen 4: List of KOMs concerning the selected athlete.Thedata visualization is in a table.If KOMS are more than 15, the table extends over more pages thatcanbe accessed by the buttons at the bottom of the screen.